Text Blocks

Paragraph block

This is a Paragraph block. Note that font-size presets are configured such that any size preset can be applied to a paragraph, a heading, a list, etc.

Heading block

This is a Heading block.

List block

Quote block

This is a Quote block.

Here’s a Citation for the quote.

Code block

This is a Code block.
This is a Details block.

This is the hidden content inside the Details block. This is just a paragraph, but could be a group, etc.

Preformatted block

This is a Preformatted block.

Pullquote Block

This is a Pull Quote block

with a citation.

Table block

This is a Table.This one has four cells.
Not sure we need to support this for this theme.
Table Footer Cell
This is the table Caption.

Verse block

This is a Verse block.
Perhaps not necessary
to support for this theme?

Media Blocks

Image block

Graphics and icons floating over a laptop keyboard.

Gallery Block

Audio Block

(Not included)

Cover block

This is the overlay text. Much of this block style is configurable – colors, sizes, text placement, etc.

File block

Media & Text block

This is the text that goes with the media. It’s basically a container for any text type.

Video block

Design Blocks

Buttons block

Columns block

This is a Columns block. It can be divided configured for various numbers and widths of columns, each column being a ‘stack’ within which other blocks can exist.

This doesn’t have to be text, it could be an image, a group, etc.

Group block

This Group block combines a few paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non neque condimentum, bibendum ante maximus, fringilla ligula. Aliquam aliquam et eros eget malesuada. Cras nec viverra leo. Cras elementum pretium fermentum.

Mauris eu pretium ante, at rutrum mi. Integer iaculis et arcu ac efficitur. Phasellus eu nibh scelerisque nulla mattis feugiat at a diam. Etiam nibh nisl, varius in magna quis, commodo consectetur nisl.

In id urna porta, finibus augue a, rhoncus nulla. Nunc a posuere elit. Sed vulputate metus lectus, nec mollis diam laoreet in. In venenatis magna nibh, in dictum enim accumsan scelerisque. Aenean sed quam mattis, egestas massa nec, placerat augue. Nullam porta, lorem accumsan luctus tempus, velit ligula porttitor sapien, ac facilisis nibh est ut velit. Vivamus eu dui vestibulum, pretium eros ac, aliquet massa.

Group block – CUSTOM STYLE: Framed Group

Group block – CUSTOM STYLE: Shadow group

This is Group block using a custom ‘ Shadow Group’ style. The style itself sets padding, border radius, and a drop shadow. Background color and foreground color are controlled using the block color controls.

Group block – CUSTOM STYLE: Limit Width Tight

This Group style constrains the width of contained blocks to be less than the full width of the page. It is used primarily within Insights posts.

Group block – CUSTOM STYLE: Limit Width Loose

Similar to the “Limit Width Tight” Group style, the Limit Width Loose constrains the width of contained blocks to be less than the full width of the page. ‘Loose’, however, is closer to full page width than ‘tight’. This style is also used primarily on Insights posts.

Group block – CUSTOM STYLE: Calendar Card

(This Group Style is used on the Grant page for indicating dates.)

Row block

Row Item 1

Row Item 2

Row Item 3

Stack Block

Stack Item 1

Stack Item 2

Stack Item 3

Grid Block

Grid Item 1

Grid Item 2

Grid Item 3

Grid Item 4

Grid Item 5

Grid Item 6

Page Break block

Separator block

Spacer block

Widget Blocks

Archives block

No archives to show.

Calendar block

Categories List block

Custom HTML block

I am some custom html!

Latest Comments block

No comments to show.

Latest Posts block

Page List block

RSS block

Search block

Shortcode block

[Shortcode goes here]

Social Icons block

Tag Cloud block

Custom Blocks

This block is intended to demonstrate how a custom ACF block can be created and configured.
